Autodesk connector

Email Support, autodesk connector. Autodesk connector review our Privacy Policy for more details on how and when we collect data and what we use it for. Ideate Software solutions are designed to be integrated with Autodesk Desktop Connector, where possible, to provide the best possible collaborative environment between your Autodesk Construction Cloud Revit models and your other non-Revit documentation. We have a limited ability to manage changes made by Autodesk without access to an API.

Download Desktop Connector Version This release includes performance enhancements and bug fixes for Autodesk Desktop Connector. We recommend reviewing this entire document prior to installation. Additionally, please take the time to review the current Desktop Connector Introduced a Troubleshooting Tool that can be accessed directly from the Home Screen settings menu. This feature is intended to identify unsynced files and help users "kick start" syncing activity between the desktop and the cloud in particular situations. For additional information, refer to the Troubleshooting Tool help content.

Autodesk connector

Desktop Connector is an application that runs on your desktop and creates a virtual drive that serves as a bridge between the local file system and data in the Autodesk cloud. Once installed you can read or write files to those virtual folders on your local drive and those changes will be automatically synced to the cloud. Desktop Connector allows you to access and work with your cloud data from your local machine and only download the files you need giving you a faster experience working with cloud data. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to providing you with more enhancements and improvements in future releases. To download the latest version or upgrade your current version of Desktop Connector navigate to the Latest Release Notes page and select Download Windows Version as shown under the current release date. Alternatively, you can visit your Autodesk Account and download the current version of Desktop Connector directly from your account under All Products and Services. We want to hear from you. We are committed to delivering a reliable and user-friendly experience with Desktop Connector. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for further improvements, please don't hesitate to contact our support team or provide feedback through our user interface at the bottom of this page. Have a feature that you would like to see covered? Use the links at the bottom of the page, and then select Yes under Was this information Helpful? After selecting yes, you will have the option to tell us which feature you'd like to see us focus on in a future article. When you Install Desktop Connector , local drives are added as Connectors to your Windows File Explorer to enable you to work on files locally. Your cloud project folder and file structures are replicated in the relevant connector for your data source. You can manage files in a connector, just as you would in any other folder in File Explorer.

Your cloud project folder and file structures are replicated in the relevant connector for your data source.

The information in this topic details functionality in the latest release of Desktop Connector; however, you can also read about the changes between v The v Manage your files locally and use the Windows ribbon and right-click commands as well as those commands inherited from your installed programs. Changes you make will be synced to the relevant BIM or Autodesk Docs cloud data source and you can view your connector activities currently and from the previous 24 hours in the Autodesk Docs home screen. Your file and folder permissions are the same as those granted to you in the cloud data source; however, you will always be able to view the full folder paths.

Consider upgrading your version of Desktop Connector, refer to Update Desktop Connector for more information. If upgrading from version Also, it is not supported during the creation of a Custom Install. Latest Release and Notes : Learn what's new and download the latest and previous versions. A Download link is provided under the release name and date. Desktop Connector will now display with other products as a benefit of your current contracts and subscriptions. Follow the steps as shown:. You have tried to install Desktop Connector and you receive a warning that Desktop Connector is still running.

Autodesk connector

Desktop Connector is an application that runs on your desktop and creates a virtual drive that serves as a bridge between the local file system and data in the Autodesk cloud. Desktop Connector allows you to access and work with your cloud data from your local machine and only download the files you need giving you a faster experience working with cloud data. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to providing you with more enhancements and improvements in future releases. To download the latest version or upgrade your current version of Desktop Connector navigate to the Latest Release Notes page and select Download Windows Version as shown under the current release date.

Excuse me in italian language

Your cloud project folder and file structures are replicated in the relevant connector for your data source. Always keep on device: Automatically downloads latest versions from the cloud. These functions are being added soon. It is on our roadmap to reduce the installation size back to previous levels. Was this information helpful? Was this information helpful? Previous page: Supported Languages. After selecting yes, you will have the option to tell us which feature you'd like to see us focus on in a future article. Best practice is to go offline and then back online to confirm that those files are uploaded to the data source. Yes No. Desktop Connector folder needs to be cleared" displays after installing or upgrading Desktop Connector version This feature is intended to identify unsynced files and help users "kick start" syncing activity between the desktop and the cloud in particular situations. The Desktop Connector In the latest version of Desktop Connector, you can access the home screen to view your ongoing activities.

Desktop Connector version

Exit Desktop Connector by selecting the tray icon , right-click, and exit the program. Desktop Connector folder needs to be cleared" displays after installing or upgrading Desktop Connector version A Download link is provided under the release name and date. You can use Reference Explorer to visualize reference relationships including any missing or circular errors. Next page: Docs - Manage Projects. Was this information helpful? Open an external application, edit a supported file and save the file to your connector. With the troubleshooting tool you will be able to select between My Unsynced Changes and Unsynced Cloud Updates within the project you select. In the latest version of Desktop Connector, you can access the home screen to view your ongoing activities. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to providing you with more enhancements and improvements in future releases.

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