aria tloak

Aria tloak

Aria is the un-elected leader of Omega. She first worked there as a dancer which was actually just a cover so that she could form aria tloak with other gangs and groups.

Also known as the "Pirate Queen" of Omega, Aria is fiercely possessive of the space station and will do anything to protect it and maintain her dominance. Aria had a colourful past prior to her arrival on Omega. When she did arrive on the station, she worked as an exotic dancer at the Afterlife Club. However, this was merely a clever cover for Aria. Eventually, she overthrew the owner of the Afterlife Club and claimed ownership. She continued to form alliances and consolidate power before finally overthrowing the 'ruler' of Omega: the krogan she deposed, whom she derisively named The Patriarch , was spared as an example of her power to others. Aria is very authoritarian in her reign over Omega, ruling the station with an iron fist.

Aria tloak

Mass Effect 2 arguably went against the grain and changed the format of the series by killing Shepard off in the opening minutes and having the Commander's allegiances change to the shady and morally ambiguous Cerberus. In doing so, however, players got to see a whole new side to the galaxy, much grittier and more lawless than the council space of the first Mass Effect. On the station of Omega, Shepard meets with the crime lord Aria T'Loak, the pirate queen and ruler of the outlaws and criminals there. She is one of the most mysterious people in Mass Effect , with a checkered past and an uncertain future. Before taking over as the ruler of the space station, Aria came as a visitor and took up work as an exotic dancer at the Afterlife club. Whether she was an outcast of society in need of work or a devious lawbreaker with an agenda is unclear, but her time as a dancer eventually lead to her overthrowing Omega's leadership and naming herself queen. When she appears in Mass Effect 2, she rules the station with an iron fist and her dancing days are long behind her. As Aria herself explains, it was Patriarch who once ruled Omega as a crime lord, but Aria saw fit to take over during her time working at Afterlife. Convincing his people to turn on him due to the 'perks' of siding with the Asari, she lead a coup of the station and took down the existing leadership before replacing them. Keeping the Krogan alive as a trophy, she gave him the title of Patriarch which she states has no meaning for the feminine Asari— they are a mono-gendered race and take the title of Matriarch when they become old and powerful, so this was meant as the ultimate insult to the Krogan warlord. Touched upon and implied during the Omega DLC for Mass Effect 3, this fact has been confirmed by the comics exploring more of the Mass Effect universe.

She continued to e hentia alliances and consolidate power before finally overthrowing the 'ruler' of Omega: the krogan she deposed, whom she derisively named The Patriarcharia tloak, was spared as an example of her power to others. Aria easily recognizes the trap and springs one of aria tloak own, sending in a group of mercs who claimed they have been infected with plague to get close enough to the Cerberus operatives to catch them by surprise. She starts to warm up to Commander Shepard when you save her "Patriarch" from aria tloak death threat which allows you to talk to her and learn more about her background.


Complete Citadel: Aria T'Loak. Once you rendezvous with the fleet, you will be heading to Omega for a rather long mission, so this is your last chance to upgrade weapons, change bonus powers, retrain abilities, etc. There will be opportunities along the way to change weapons, mods, and armor however. As Aria insists that Shepard leave the crew of the Normandy behind, there are no squad choices to make. When you make the rendezvous, you'll have a chance to allocate squad points to Aria ; be sure to check and update her weapon loadout as well since it defaults to fairly vanilla stuff. Since she'll be your principal companion throughout your sojourn on Omega, consider which of her powers will work best with your Shepard. Your enemies include a mix of familiar Cerberus types and some new opponent types. A few items worthy of particular consideration include the Shield Piercing evolution on Aria's Lash ability, which will then provide a disable against even elite Cerberus forces in addition to ripping the shields from Guardians; likewise the final evolution of her Biotic Boss passive ability will increase Shepard's health and shield bonuses.

Aria tloak

Aria is the un-elected leader of Omega. She first worked there as a dancer which was actually just a cover so that she could form alliances with other gangs and groups. When she had gained enough support, she overthrew the Krogan leader and spared him while mockingly dubbing him Patriarch there is no such thing as a Patriarch in Asari society. Aria is a pretty stern individual and is also haughty, a characteristic shown when she claims that she is Omega. She doesn't tolerate incompetence and her wrath is well known. She starts to warm up to Commander Shepard when you save her "Patriarch" from a death threat which allows you to talk to her and learn more about her background. In her first appearnce she complains about people bothering her about authorization and she easily gets the Asari council member to get her nuisance off her back. Aria T'Loak Loading. Up Next: Ashley Williams Previous.

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When she did arrive on the station, she worked as an exotic dancer at the Afterlife Club. Aria biotically strangles Tiran Kandros upon getting her hands on him, thinking he's the saboteur she has been chasing. Petrovsky points out that he can provide the Alliance information on the Illusive Man and insists that Aria owes him mercy for letting her escape Omega, but Aria dismisses it as an attempt to save his own skin. Kai Leng ultimately escapes the meeting, thus Aria T'Loak is denied the possibility of avenging her daughter's death. Shepard protests, but Aria wants the Commander, in her own words, "all to [her]self. He then plays her a message sent from the Illusive Man, revealing that in her absence, Ashe had broken out of custody and slaughtered everyone in Omega Control, just as Cerberus reinforcements had arrived, to claim the station in a quick and decisive coup. When she wakes up, Petrovsky has already fitted her hands with biotic dampeners. She claims to have laid the groundwork with all three groups, though she offers little information to Shepard on the specifics of getting the mercenaries to cooperate. If Shepard was thoroughly accommodating towards Aria's behavior, the asari rewards the Commander with a kiss, remarking she never thought she'd enjoy having a partner. He claims he's working for the Andromeda Initiative and looking for a quarian scientist of theirs. Aria then announces her return to the people of Omega. Aria's pod, with Shepard on board, is able to make past the defense cannons and crash-land on the station. He is dismissive of Aria's attempt to unnerve him with Shepard's presence and warns Aria of Omega's upgraded defense cannons which could easily cut through her cruiser's Silaris armor and advises her to turn back.

Also known as the "Pirate Queen" of Omega, Aria is fiercely possessive of the space station and will do anything to protect it and maintain her dominance. Aria had a colourful past prior to her arrival on Omega. When she did arrive on the station, she worked as an exotic dancer at the Afterlife Club.

After rescuing a Cerberus ground team on Avernus Station , Aria accompanies Petrovsky and his team into the heart of the base. With a wink at Nyreen, Aria tells her to watch and learn as the Pirate Queen contacts Ahz, who has connected the entire station's comm systems to her. Aria sarcastically quips that Nyreen's "bleeding heart" tendencies must be genetic when Nyreen calls herself the "bad apple" of the family compared to Tiran. When she appears in Mass Effect 2, she rules the station with an iron fist and her dancing days are long behind her. Nyreen advises against it, reminding Shepard not to sacrifice innocents. Later, Aria returns to Purgatory on the Citadel, finding it easier to coordinate Omega's reconstruction from there. Sci-fi Mass Effect. If Shepard was thoroughly accommodating towards Aria's behavior, the asari rewards the Commander with a kiss, remarking she never thought she'd enjoy having a partner. With the help of some of Aria's men, Shepard is able to activate the ground cannons which tear apart the Cerberus forces and enables Aria's people to make a safe retreat into her bunker. Aria, unwilling to go down that easily, furiously tries to breach the barriers using her biotics and is able to able to provide a small opening for Shepard to escape with some help from Nyreen. Sure enough, upon speaking with him he will confirm that they are cousins and their family resented Nyreen for running off and 'playing pirate' on Omega. When she wakes up, Petrovsky has already fitted her hands with biotic dampeners. Aria soon comes upon Petrovsky and Colonel Raymond Ashe decapitating corpses. Leng viciously slits her throat and kills her before Grayson is captured by Cerberus and experimented on with Reaper technology. Aria says that she would divulge where the Blue Suns were taking the body if they tell her why the Shadow Broker is so interested.

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