Arena lol tier list
Patch S Veigar Trundle 1st Place - Veigar Skarner 1st Place - Veigar Kayn 1st Place -
The highest performing LoL champions are given an S tier while the remaining champions are ranked from A to D tier. Different tier brackets will have different average win rates so we now provide the average. We are the only League of Legends stats site to analyse every champion from every ranked game. Champion win rate and win rate delta. The win rate delta is the difference between the win rate using individual player tiers LoLalytics chosen method vs the win rate derived from using a game averaged tier simpler method used by some other websites. LoLalytics data is based upon individual player tiers which includes all games by all players of a given bracket and doesn't include games from players outside the chosen bracket.
Arena lol tier list
The highest performing LoL champions are given an S tier while the remaining champions are ranked from A to D tier. Average Gold Win Rate: Different tier brackets will have different average win rates so we now provide the average. We are the only League of Legends stats site to analyse every champion from every ranked game. Champion win rate and win rate delta. The win rate delta is the difference between the win rate using individual player tiers LoLalytics chosen method vs the win rate derived from using a game averaged tier simpler method used by some other websites. LoLalytics data is based upon individual player tiers which includes all games by all players of a given bracket and doesn't include games from players outside the chosen bracket. LoLalytics chosen method provides the most accurate picture of how people of a given tier bracket are performing. Illaoi die Krakenpriesterin. Galio der Koloss. Kayn der Schatten des Todes. Sion der untote Moloch. Yorick der Hirte der verlorenen Seelen. Morgana die Gefallene.
Sion Shaco 1st Place - Average Gold Win Rate:
Patch S Veigar Trundle 1st Place - Veigar Skarner 1st Place - Veigar Kayn 1st Place - Sion Kayn 1st Place -
Arena lol tier list
The highest performing LoL champions are given an S tier while the remaining champions are ranked from A to D tier. Different tier brackets will have different average win rates so we now provide the average. We are the only League of Legends stats site to analyse every champion from every ranked game. Champion win rate and win rate delta.
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Mundo Swain 1st Place - Kayn Lillia 1st Place - Hecarim Lillia 1st Place - Morgana Udyr 1st Place - Leona Jhin 1st Place - Trundle Gragas 1st Place - Swain Illaoi 1st Place - Mordekaiser Volibear 1st Place - Varus the Arrow of Retribution. Nasus der Bewahrer des Sandes. Swain Darius 1st Place -
Patch S Trundle 1st Place - Gwen 1st Place -
A Warwick Kayn 1st Place - Zed Sett 1st Place - LoLalytics data is based upon individual player tiers which includes all games by all players of a given bracket and doesn't include games from players outside the chosen bracket. Poppy Lillia 1st Place - Cho'Gath Senna 1st Place - Vladimir Sett 1st Place - Galio Senna 1st Place - Cho'Gath Dr. Illaoi Lillia 1st Place - Jax Veigar 1st Place - Veigar Zed 1st Place - Morgana Caitlyn 1st Place - Tahm Kench Senna 1st Place - Ashe Swain 1st Place - Cho'Gath Swain 1st Place -
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