aquascape for betta fish

Aquascape for betta fish

Betta fish are one of the most popular species in the aquarium hobby.

In this blog post, I'll explain my thought process on setting up my recent planted betta tank. It had been a while since I last aquascaped a low-tech planted tank, and I decided to document the journey to share with you all. For this set up, I knew I wanted something easy to maintain and an environment that is great for keeping a betta fish. With these thoughts in mind, I chose to do a small low-tech aquarium for my betta tank setup. Once I knew I wanted a low tech aquarium, I headed over to Buce Plant to browse for all the equipment and materials I would need.

Aquascape for betta fish


Still on the topic of water parameters, another reason planted tanks are great for bettas is because most aquarium soils soften and lower the pH of the aquarium water.


A beautiful betta fish in all his dazzling, long-finned glory is a sight to behold. Aquascape tanks use plants, rocks, and driftwood to create lush, enchanting underwater worlds that observers love getting lost in almost as much as a betta. A single betta needs a minimum tank capacity of 5 gallons. To give him any less is cruel and will impact his health and well-being. These beautiful fish require enough space with clean water. If you want to keep a female sorority of bettas or give your male betta some tankmates , then a gallon will be best. Despite what you might have heard, betta tanks do need a filter!

Aquascape for betta fish

In this blog post, I'll explain my thought process on setting up my recent planted betta tank. It had been a while since I last aquascaped a low-tech planted tank, and I decided to document the journey to share with you all. For this set up, I knew I wanted something easy to maintain and an environment that is great for keeping a betta fish. With these thoughts in mind, I chose to do a small low-tech aquarium for my betta tank setup. Once I knew I wanted a low tech aquarium, I headed over to Buce Plant to browse for all the equipment and materials I would need. I knew I wanted a nano tank under 10 gallons , but something still big enough for a betta to have plenty of room to swim. Recommended is a minimum of 3 gallons , ideal is 5 gallons, but the tank I ended up picking out is the UNS 30C , a high-quality cube tank that holds about 7 gallons of water.

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I kept a spray bottle on hand during this time and misted occasionally to prevent the plants from drying out. Luckily, one of the pieces that Buce Plant sent me was small and skinny, and looked great at the very back of the tank. Lastly, I got the filter, heater, and the LED light set up. Once I received all of my supplies, it was time to aquascape! It had been a while since I last aquascaped a low-tech planted tank, and I decided to document the journey to share with you all. My other two bettas immediately got a planted tank and a heater. A perfect addition for a planted tank that solves this problem are floating plants. In a planted tank, there are a lot of things within the aquarium for the betta to interact with. The plants create visual barriers, breaking the line of sight for the fish in the aquarium. I found the perfect place in my home for my tank. Leave a comment Comments must be approved before appearing. Ok now I need to get moss balls, adorable! After the tank, I looked into their choices for hardscape. It makes me so sad to see Bettas sitting still in small bowls. After trying out different layouts, I was happy with my final result that used 3 large pieces of lava rock.

Aquascapes can be natural or artificial, asymmetrical or symmetrical, with any number of variations in between.

Bettas are a common option when fishkeepers are considering what fish to add to their nano tanks. After acclimating, it was time to release the beast! When the tank was finally ready, I headed to a local fish store to go betta shopping. It can search for food that fell in the foliage, dig through the su b strate , and swim through hardscape and aquatic plants within the aquarium. For the filter, I added already cycled filter media from an established aquarium to jump start the cycling process. An alternative common name for the betta fish is the Siamese fighting fish, and they earned this title through their infamous aggression. The 5 small pieces of dragon w o od from Buce Plant. A perfect addition for a planted tank that solves this problem are floating plants. I hope this was an informational read and the push that some of you needed to start a planted aquarium! I need to set it up like yours now though, just waiting a tad bit more, you can easily spend so much money on your fishy friends. I was not told that bettas needed heater water until I found this article. When It Comes to Water Parameters Bettas are a common option when fishkeepers are considering what fish to add to their nano tanks. I found the perfect place in my home for my tank. Then, I boiled all of the dragon wood for about 2 hours to remove most of the tannins and disinfect them, just in case there was anything toxic for fish. In the end, I decided to add 10lbs of black lava rock and 5 small pieces of dragon wood to my cart, as they were both hardscape materials that I've never used before and wanted to try out.

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