april ludgate gay boyfriend

April ludgate gay boyfriend

Entertainment Snakehole Lounge. Mouse Rat Andy's Band. April Ludgate.

She is portrayed by Aubrey Plaza. She later becomes the Deputy Director of Animal Control. April, along with Plaza's performance, garnered universal acclaim and has gained popularity for her goth -like behavior and deadpan -style comedy. April Ludgate is a college student who starts out working as an intern in the Pawnee parks and recreation department. She lives with her parents, Larry John Ellison Conlee and Rita Terri Hoyos , who, in direct contrast to their daughter, are warm and friendly. April is of English and Puerto Rican descent, which she says explains her "lively and colorful" personality, and is fluent in Spanish. Her family calls her "Zuzu".

April ludgate gay boyfriend


Archived from the original on May 18, Her family calls her "Zuzu".


Well… okay, then! On one level, I should have seen the events of this episode coming. Andrew Maxwell Dwyer and April Roberta! I love Andy like, Love -love. I love April. I love the two of them together even more. Why did nobody but Leslie voice objections to their union?

April ludgate gay boyfriend

Living… in Pawnee, Ind. When the town government shut down, she took a three-month trip to Venezuela, where she met a boyfriend named Eduardo. Once she brought him back to Pawnee, he became great friends with Andy, her ex. Her entire plan backfired.

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Parks and Recreation. And when you stop baring your fangs to pick a mate, it's for life. Retrieved April 22, April, along with Plaza's performance, garnered universal acclaim and has gained popularity for her goth -like behavior and deadpan -style comedy. Andy is able to make April smile, which is something she rarely does. Retrieved April 16, After only one day of him doing this, April kisses Andy. US TV sitcom character, created April starts as a year-old intern at the parks department who is completely uninterested in her job and often annoyed by her fellow parks department workers. Plaza said that fans often approach her hoping for the sarcasm and hostility of April Ludgate, which Plaza would sometimes oblige, but that she would really like to move beyond the character. At the beginning of Season 6, April is planning on attending Veterinary School; however, upon going to the orientation with Ann she realizes it is not what she wants to do. April becomes Deputy Director of the Animal Control after she suggests it be absorbed into the Parks Department due to its inefficiency.

She was an employee at the Pawnee Department of Parks and Recreation , originally as an intern.

Andy is able to make April smile, which is something she rarely does. April is extremely uninterested in her job, regularly napping at her desk and texting constantly, and acts very dry and sarcastic around her co-workers. Come to Pawnee with us! Andy had proposed to April the day before the party asking, "What if we got married tomorrow? Plaza said that fans often approach her hoping for the sarcasm and hostility of April Ludgate, which Plaza would sometimes oblige, but that she would really like to move beyond the character. She changes her mind after he gets into a car accident and the two kiss for the first time, but she leaves abruptly after he reveals Ann kissed him. Her favorite color is greenish-transparent and her favorite movie is the one you just watched. Allison P. Aubrey Plaza as April Ludgate. April was responsible for uploading the staff bios onto the Pawnee parks and recreation site, [6] and she jokingly made a fictional bio for herself that reads as follows:. Universal Studios Home Entertainment. He tells them it was a place for old factory workers who ended up going mad. You pride yourself on being a loner. April tells Andy to do all of the things she hates doing for her for a month. She lives with her parents, Larry John Ellison Conlee and Rita Terri Hoyos , who, in direct contrast to their daughter, are warm and friendly.

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