apex legends pick rate

Apex legends pick rate

Paul Kelly. Published: Apr 12, Knowing the Apex Legends pick rates can tell you at a glance which legends are a must-play, and which have been put firmly in the ground by nerfs.

Apex Legends pick rates are an incredibly useful statistic to follow as they help to highlight which characters fall into the current meta - and we've got all of the most popular Legends for Season While popularity can be a helpful metric, it doesn't directly correlate with which Legend is strongest in the game. For the majority of the time, it's better to choose a character you're comfortable using and who fits your personal play style. The data below is collected by Apex Legends Status and is based on the It's worth noting that these percentages do not measure the entire player base, but it's a big enough sample size to gather a general impression of overall Legend popularity.

Apex legends pick rate


These have only been amplified with upgrades that came in Season 20, especially the damage reduction. Paul Kelly.


Jan 13 - Apr January 13 - April Jan 20 - Mar January 20 - March CDL Major 2 Qualifiers.

Apex legends pick rate

The world of Apex Legends is home to a rapidly changing landscape. In previous seasons, characters like Valkyrie have seen astronomical pick rates thanks to solid abilities and usability, only to fade away with time. These stats are accurate as of season Here are the current pick rates for all characters in Apex. Pick rates for season 20 of Apex Legends are accurate as of Feb. The new legend upgrades make Octane an even safer pick when he chooses to engage.

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Well, this is certainly out of the ordinary. For countless months Wraith and Octane have battled at the top but now, all of a sudden Fuse has stolen the crown. Terms and conditions apply. While popularity can be a helpful metric, it doesn't directly correlate with which Legend is strongest in the game. She's undeniably powerful, but there the speedy daredevil remains above her. The OG of Apex has pushed herself back into the top five with the Season 20 changes, and it feels like she's been given a new lease of life. Sign Up. She has recently clawed her way back into the top spot, with players finding an effective use for her niche kit in the free PC game. For the majority of the time, it's better to choose a character you're comfortable using and who fits your personal play style. Data sourced from apexlegendsstatus. Paul Kelly. Wraith, for example, was notoriously overpowered in years gone by but took a nosedive in playtime when her abilities got decimated by a nerf. Click to enlarge.

Sign in or create an account to enjoy GINX perks, enter competitions and access exclusive features. Apex Legends season 16 is currently going strong, and while many players have their favorite Legends to take into battle, newer players or those looking to experiment might be curious as to who the top picks are in the game.

You've joined our newsletter. Click to enlarge. These have only been amplified with upgrades that came in Season 20, especially the damage reduction. Data sourced from apexlegendsstatus. Sign Up. Apex Legends. Alternatively, be sure to check out our Apex Legends homepage for all of the latest news and guides. Thank you! Wraith's kit remains strong in Season 20, providing room for outplays and great rotational tools for squads. Maintaining an impressive 8. Published: Apr 12, For the majority of the time, it's better to choose a character you're comfortable using and who fits your personal play style. Editor Note: These are the current pick rates as of March 1, His Stim Tactical and Launch Pad Ultimate are not only brilliant for aggressive plays, but they're also useful rotation tools when attempting to reach the final ring.

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