Anime moe kare
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Anime moe kare
Moe Kare!! Este pide recompensa por haberla salvado y le roba un beso, que resulta ser el primer beso de Hikaru. Rechaza a Takara, quien entiende sus sentimientos, y le declara sus sentimientos a Arata. Siente celos hacia Takara si se trata de Hikaru. Le da a Hikaru el apodo de "Hiyoko" polluelo y suele molestarla cada que tiene oportunidad. Tiene un perrito que le puso el nombre de Hikaru ya que a este le hace recordar a su amada. Al final se queda con Hikaru y tienen un hijo. Es el medio hermano de Ichikawa Arata, con quien comparte la misma marca de nacimiento en la parte superior del brazo izquierdo. Se enamora perdidamente de Hikaru y tiende a sobre protegerla y ser posesivo con ella. En otro manga de la autora, Uwasa no Midori-kun!!
Cat Street Uwasa no Midori-kun!! Leer Editar Ver historial.
It follows the story of Otaku Hikaru, who desires to one day find her shoujo prince in real life. One day, she encounters a boy named Arata who she first thought to be her prince; only for him to be a pervert who steals her First Kiss! The next day, she meets a boy named Takara, who looks just like Arata, except he has a different eye color. A Love Triangle soon develops Almost Identical Twins : Despite actually being half-brothers and a year apart in age, Arata and Takara look exactly alike, even having the same birthmark in the same location; their only differences being their eye color and personalities.
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Anime moe kare
Hide Ads Login Sign Up. Moe Kare!! Edit What would you like to edit? Add to My List. Add to Favorites. Type: Manga.
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Theme: School School. Ah, well. More reviews by Sakura72 6. Uwasa no Midori-kun!! A Love Triangle soon develops Rating: 7. Sometimes you just need the sweet cheesy romance to make your day just little better. En otro manga de la autora, Uwasa no Midori-kun!! Rechaza a Takara, quien entiende sus sentimientos, y le declara sus sentimientos a Arata. I felt bad for him and wanted to smack the one-dimensional girl. Image [ Report Inappropriate Content ]. Honda, Takara Main. The brute decides on a karate match for them to figure out who she should be with..
Rating: 1. A Love Triangle soon develops When any story starts off with an interesting and funny chapter, it kind of sets high expectations in the mind of a reader. Truly ridiculous. See Old Polls. From this point on the story becomes truly interesting, with plenty of light-hearted comedy and heavy drama for anyone to be satisfied with. Rating: 2. Double Prince!! Average: 8. Siente celos hacia Takara si se trata de Hikaru. It was obvious from the beginning with whom she would end up with which gave me a feeling of mercy and it ended up with a 2 instead of a 1. The artwork is pretty standard for a shoujo manga, with nothing amazing about it to set itself apart from the rest.
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