amber nova

Amber nova

Ring name: Amber Nova, amber nova. Birth place: Hackettstown, New Jersey. Debut: April 1, Hello and thank you for including your classic car driving pro wrestling, Amber Nova to the interview!

Amber Nova November 2 , is an American professional wrestler. She is known for her current work throughout the Florida independent circuit however, she is better known nationally for her work on Impact Wrestling from Spring of until January She was eliminated in the first round by her former trainer Santana Garrett. She later at this event defeated Mila Naniki in a singles match. She returned to OPW three days later to defeat Kafka in a singles match. Nova went on to appear in a December 10 taping for United States Championship Wrestling , where she lost to Kaci Lennox by disqualification. Her third match was a singles match where she defeated Lennox.

Amber nova


Dynamite Collision Rampage. On July 5, Nova was again defeated by Sienna. Of course!


Nova appears to be one of the names next in line for an eventual run in a bigger promotion. Nova has more than a few interesting tidbits about her career despite not yet reaching her peak. Time will tell just how far Amber gets in the industry. The following things are worth knowing about Nova for newer fans. The first thing to stand out about Amber Nova is that she has a mechanic gimmick referencing her love for cars. Nova goes the extra mile by tying her gear, character and even small mannerisms into it. A grease rag is sometimes used to taunt her opponents when playing a heel. Nova usually uses the number 73 in her social media handles in reference to her beloved Chevy Nova 73 classic car that she maintains to this day. Most wrestlers in their careers will have a name in the early years that is changed before they find their full-time moniker. The first name used by a wrestler is a tough task given all the other things on their mind.

Amber nova

Amber Nova November 2 , is an American professional wrestler. She is known for her current work throughout the Florida independent circuit however, she is better known nationally for her work on Impact Wrestling from Spring of until January She was eliminated in the first round by her former trainer Santana Garrett. She later at this event defeated Mila Naniki in a singles match. She returned to OPW three days later to defeat Kafka in a singles match. Nova went on to appear in a December 10 taping for United States Championship Wrestling , where she lost to Kaci Lennox by disqualification. Her third match was a singles match where she defeated Lennox. Her fourth and final match was a victory against Chasyn Rance. During the tapings held at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida , Nova was wrestled a match won by Allie , who was accompanied by her kayfabe boyfriend Braxton Sutter.

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It was a difficult time for me. Amber Nova November 2 , is an American professional wrestler. Sign In Register. Amber Nova. The talent I worked and learned with and the tools and teachers that have to advance you was the Tune Up I needed! So many women! I made my debut after about 8 months of training vs Santana Garrett, a year almost after joining but I had to take time off still getting stable on my own. I recently traveled in the past year to London, South Africa and Panama all incredible and wonderful places to see. Amazing people I have gotten to meet! Amber Nova Interview. During her post-match comments backstage, although acknowledging the fact Allie possessed more experience than perhaps she alludes, Nova cited her defeat was attributed to Allie consistently consulting her boyfriend Sutter at ringside.


On the March 3rd edition of Champ7, Nova returned to complete the title tournament results by defeating Addie to become the new Champ7 Women's Champion. On the same day, she also wrestled and lost to Ava Storie. During her post-match comments backstage, although acknowledging the fact Allie possessed more experience than perhaps she alludes, Nova cited her defeat was attributed to Allie consistently consulting her boyfriend Sutter at ringside. I moved to Orlando Florida all alone, leaving my career job as an EMT, my family and life behind to pursue my career as a professional wrestler. Yes I have. On August 19, Nova was defeated by Taya. It was such a fun and new painful learning experience, haha and I still love it. Photo training with Lacey Evans. I recently traveled in the past year to London, South Africa and Panama all incredible and wonderful places to see. Amber Nova Interview. To this day they still show me support. On July 5, Nova was again defeated by Sienna.

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