alspac data

Alspac data

App version: 0, alspac data. You can find full information about the cohort here. For more than two decades clinic and questionnaire data has been collected from the participants.

We have a vast amount of biological samples and phenotypic, environmental, genetic and linkage data gathered from different cohort groups over the past 30 years. There are several ways you can explore this resource. If we have the data and samples you require, you can make an access request. A number of ALSPAC datasets can be accessed externally, without the need for project proposals or exec permission, for specific research or for training purposes. A list is available here. We have published cohort profiles for all generations of the study providing details on recruitment and representativeness.

Alspac data

The main aim of ALSPAC is to understand how genetic and environmental factors influence the health and development of parents and children. During initial recruitment all pregnant women who were resident in the former county of Avon, an area around Bristol in South West England, with an expected delivery date between 1 st April and 31 st December were invited to participate [88, 89]. When the oldest children were approximately 7 years old, additional eligible participants were invited to join the study. Therefore, the total sample for the child-based data collected at 7 years is 15, with 14, alive at 1 year of age. All of these children have been regularly followed up using parental and self-completion questionnaires, medical records, educational and clinical assessment and through linkage. Compared with the whole of Great Britain in , the population of mothers with infants under one year of age resident in Avon were more likely to live in owner occupied accommodation, to have a car and less likely to have one or more persons per room and be non-white [90]. Similarly when comparing the ALSPAC participants to the whole eligible Avon population, less affluent people and ethnic minorities were less likely to be represented [90]. ALSPAC collected dietary information from both mothers, their partners and children at various time points see the table below using FFQs and diet diaries. Since a number of FFQs were conducted we provide links to relevant questionnaire sources in the table below. Details of the dietary collection methods have been discussed in a previous publication and will be briefly outlined here [91]. At 32 weeks gestation, a self-competed FFQ with 43 food groups and 8 basic foods was used to assess diets of the pregnant women [92]. The food list was developed by nutritionists in Bristol in It aimed to cover all the main foods consumed in Britain based on those used in a study in South Wales [93] and modified according to a study which had recently collected weighed food intake data among adults in Avon [94].

We can also help you collect new data and samples through alspac data variety of activities, including whole cohort questionnaire collections, recall-by-genotype substudies, alspac data, small-scale qualitative interview studies and clinic-based biomedical measurements. You registered with F via Google, so we cannot reset your password.

It is uniquely equipped to follow changes in health and well-being across the lifespan, what affects this, how certain factors work across generations and how changes in society affect the health and well-being of families going through similar events 30 years apart. Between April and December more than 14, pregnant women in the Bristol area were enrolled in the study. Since then the mothers 11, , fathers 3, , children 11, and now grandchildren 1, in these families have attended multiple face-to-face clinics and completed questionnaires throughout their lives. To data over 2, peer-reviewed articles have been published using the study data. ALSPAC welcomes data and sample access requests from all bona fide researchers, whatever your research area, institution, location or funding source. The dataset comprises a wide range of phenotypic and environmental measures, with over 75, data variables. Data includes 1.

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Initial recruitment of pregnant women took place in and the health and development of the index children from these pregnancies and their family members have been followed ever since. The eligible sampling frame was constructed retrospectively using linked recruitment and health service records. Additional offspring that were eligible to enrol in the study have been welcomed through major recruitment drives at the ages of 7 and 18 years; and through opportunistic contacts since the age of 7. This data note provides a status update on the recruitment of the index children since the age of 7 years with a focus on enrolment since the age of 18, which has not been previously described.

Alspac data

The second version of our manuscript takes into account the constructive comments made by the reviewers. In particular, we have provided detail in the introduction explaining what the UK lockdown entailed and we have emphasised the issues with applying the Menni algorithm to symptom data collected in in both the results and discussion. See the authors' detailed response to the review by Sarah Crozier and Janis Baird. There is marked heterogeneity in disease prevalence, severity and outcome both within and across populations. In part, this may be driven by the interplay between environmental, social and host factors such as age and pre-existing comorbidities which predispose or protect against infection or modify disease outcomes. Understanding this interplay requires studies with detailed environmental, health, lifestyle, and biological data — ideally measured within the context of longitudinal data and with prospective collection opportunities. Alongside the health implications of the virus itself, the response to the pandemic is likely to affect health and wellbeing.


It was one part of a triple data collection along with a second round of antibody testing and CAMCOG cognitive testing — results for both will be announced separately. Sign In Cancel. Later eating rhythm measured in children at 7 years of age in the ALSPAC cohort [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. There is no content matching your selection. To sign in, please click here. This initial sample consisted of 14, pregnancies 14, foetuses, with twin, 3 triplet and 1 quadruplet pregnancies , resulting in 14, live births. Many of our original participants have become parents themselves. This search tool is a quick and abridged version of a much more extensive data dictionary. If you still need help with your Facebook account password, please click here. Variables have therefore been created to assist researchers working with these cases and a flow chart designed to guide decision making Figure 2. It was also noted that capturing dietary intake among adolescences is a difficult task and that using sources from both the parents and children themselves increased accuracy []. Use the search box to filter on keywords or terms. Details of the dietary collection methods have been discussed in a previous publication and will be briefly outlined here [91].

We have a vast amount of biological samples and phenotypic, environmental, genetic and linkage data gathered from different cohort groups over the past 30 years.

They will send you the relevant paperwork and documentation for accessing the data and samples. For more information on how to apply to access this resource, please visit the University's Special Collections website. Useful links Variable search tool Variable catalogue zip file, 2. To assist researchers in doing so, we created the mzl variable indicating which pregnancies to keep and which to drop, in order to reduce the dataset to one observation per mother Table 2. This is necessary because the unique identifier in ALSPAC is a pregnancy identifier, not a G0 mother identifier, meaning the pregnancy identifier cannot say whether pregnancies are from the same G0 mother. In these cases, researchers may wish to use the procedure described above i. Sign In Cancel. If your email address is registered with us, we will email you instructions to reset your password. Explore data and samples We have a vast amount of biological samples and phenotypic, environmental, genetic and linkage data gathered from different cohort groups over the past 30 years. Portion sizes were allocated according to the age of the participants. Yes Reviewer Expertise: Mental health, substance use, perinatal, child development I confirm that I have read this submission and believe that I have an appropriate level of expertise to confirm that it is of an acceptable scientific standard. Scientists pinpoint genetic risk factors for asthma, hay fever and eczema launch A major international study has pinpointed more than genetic risk factors that explain why some people suffer from asthma, hay fever and eczema.

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