alexa bliss sexy pics

Alexa bliss sexy pics

Alexis Kaufman, better known by her ring name Alexa Bliss, has carved her name into the annals of WWE history with a career defined by resilience and triumph.

By Ditya Bhattacharya. Alexis Kaufman is an American professional wrestler. Bliss made her main roster debut on the SmackDown brand in July , eventually becoming SmackDown Women's Champion as well as the first competitor to hold the title twice. Bliss has been involved in sports since the age of five, competing in softball, track, kickboxing and gymnastics. Bliss also joined the seventh season of the reality show Total Divas and looked extremely ravishing and sexy throughout the series. Bliss won the Money in the Bank ladder match and cashed in the contract later that night to win her third Raw Women's Championship. As this picture is evident, Alexa Bliss is naturally pretty and can even slay without make-up.

Alexa bliss sexy pics


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Alexa Bliss reveals her favorite shots from her maternity photo shoot with Ryan Cabrera at her home on October 4, The pregnant WWE Superstar Alexa Bliss aka Lexi Cabrera is pregnant. Check out Check out Alexa Bliss has a great ass to say the least. Check out these 10 sexy photos of the WWE Superstar's booty on display

Alexa bliss sexy pics

Alexa Bliss is a popular talent within the world of WWE, having put together some fantastic moments throughout her career to this point. Fans have seen plenty of images of Bliss holding titles, and winning major matches , but despite her love for wrestling there is more to her life than that. Bliss often shares different pictures from her life away from the ring which gives fans a greater glimpse at the former Women's Champion doing other things with her time. Whether it be spending time with her partner or friends, seeing what Bliss gets up to outside the business gives fans a better idea about her as a person. Alexa Bliss' wedding was a big deal for her, and there were a lot of pictures shared around the internet when that took place, but this is a great one from the important moment where they both said, "I do. This isn't a posed photograph for the cameras, it is a look at an inside moment from their relationship, and while fans won't understand the true significance, it can provide an idea as to the fun they get up to. Wrestlers can't be involved in the business at all times, and they have to enjoy some moments away from the ring, which is exactly what is going down in this photograph. Taking place after her wedding, Bliss and her husband enjoyed some honeymoon time on holiday. The vacation was needed for Bliss in order to recharge the batteries, which is something that helps to provide the rest and relaxation needed.

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Your email address will not be published. As Bliss currently takes a hiatus due to maternity leave, her legacy stands as an inspiration to aspiring wrestlers, a testament to the heights that can be reached through determination and tenacity. As this picture is evident, Alexa Bliss is naturally pretty and can even slay without make-up. Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published. Recommended Photos. Table of Contents Toggle. Just WOW. On January 27, at the Royal Rumble, after a nearly five month in-ring hiatus, Bliss competed in her first women's Royal Rumble match, lasting 12 minutes and eliminating Ember Moon and Sonya Deville before she was eliminated by Bayley and Carmella. We are on Telegram now click this icon for latest updates. Bliss made her main roster debut on the SmackDown brand in July , eventually becoming SmackDown Women's Champion as well as the first competitor to hold the title twice.

She enjoyed cheerleading and the world of bodybuilding, though ultimately it was pro wrestling that really sucked her in. Despite no prior experience, Alexa was hired by WWE, largely because of her athletic background. It was actually her persona that shined the brightest earlier on, as she managed to out-stage her former tag team, Blake and Murphy.

Table of Contents Toggle. Bliss is an avid fan of Disney, which she attributes to her family's annual trips to Walt Disney World starting at age three. Her impact in the wrestling world is further exemplified by her resilience in overcoming personal challenges, including a life-threatening eating disorder. Bliss has been involved in sports since the age of five, competing in softball, track, kickboxing and gymnastics. As Bliss currently takes a hiatus due to maternity leave, her legacy stands as an inspiration to aspiring wrestlers, a testament to the heights that can be reached through determination and tenacity. Alexis Kaufman, better known by her ring name Alexa Bliss, has carved her name into the annals of WWE history with a career defined by resilience and triumph. Recommended Photos. Overall, Bliss has won six championships in WWE. We are on Telegram now click this icon for latest updates. Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published. Trending Now.

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