ailing planet class 11 summary

Ailing planet class 11 summary

For the subject of English, it is important for the students to have a summary of the chapter because after reading the chapter, having a summary helps a lot. Especially it helps in understanding the chapter in a better manner, because more often than not students have questions in their mind regarding the chapter, and in such cases, if students have a summary of the chapter at hand, then it saves the time of reading and going through the complete chapter all over again. But at ailing planet class 11 summary same time the summary has to be in a rather accessible language, otherwise, it does not serve the purpose of helping the students, and also, in such cases, there remains no difference between the summary and the actual chapter, ailing planet class 11 summary. It is neither a story nor a poem, but it is an article, a rather beautifully written, and an impactful article, which does not only teach us about the ecology, but it opens our eyes too for the environment, and even more than that it forces our mind to think about the same as well.

This chapter will be focusing on the causes that are responsible for the weakening health of this planet. This chapter is initially an article. The writer of this article is Nani Palkhivala. In this article, the writer deliberates about the Green Movement. The writer briefs the change in the perception of the societies from a materialistic view to the comprehensive and ecological view of this world. It states that humans are now worrying about the environment. In this way of perception, our planet is considered as a living organism.

Ailing planet class 11 summary

It was published in The Indian Express on 24th November He proposes sustainable development as a permanent means of development to curb the side effects of rapid industrialisation and ruthless exploitation of natural resources. He starts the article by addressing the evolution of the Green movement and how it has succeeded in awakening an environment-friendly conscience in us. He also suggests some major changes to be inculcated in our present administrative and social practices, like adherence to laws related to the conservation of natural resources and voluntary family planning for controlling population growth. He calls these practices essential for a country like India, which is struggling with issues like poverty. The Ailing Planet Class 11 Summary given below will give a clear idea about the article. Nani Palkhivala compares the Green Movement to an extraordinary revolutionary concept that captured the imagination of human beings quickly and entirely. It started more than twenty-five years ago, in , when the first nationwide Green party was founded in New Zealand. Humans have adopted a more holistic and ecologically sensitive perspective of the world, abandoning the narrow mechanical view of the previous centuries. This consciousness helps us to view the world as an enormous living organism that has metabolic needs and vital life processes. We are like the parts of this being.

All these natural resources are reducing at an alarming rate. Ethical Hacking.

This chapter is an article written by Nani Palkhivala about the unhealthy situation of the Earth. In this chapter, the writer discusses the problems like pollution, population, overconsumption, and continuous degradation of natural resources. These are the leading causes of the declining health of the Earth and the exploitation of natural resources. The chapter's title is 'The Ailing Planet ,' which means 't he sick planet. The writer used the term 'the ailing planet' about the continuous environmental degradation of the Earth. The poet wants to say that our Earth is in a critical situation, requiring proper care and replenishment. This chapter highlights the importance of taking immediate action to stop environmental degradation and the contribution of the green movement to the cause of sustainable Development.

Nani Palkhivala was one of the best jurists and liberal economists who described through her articles how human beings are the worst animals living on the earth. She also explains how we are destroying and incessantly exploiting to fulfill not our needs but our greed. She was a brilliant economist who has laid the foundation of economics many years back. The lesson will lay emphasis on the causes which are, making our planet diseased and weak day by day. The writer also wants that humans should change their perception towards nature and explains the term sustainable in her own way.

Ailing planet class 11 summary

It was published in The Indian Express on 24th November He proposes sustainable development as a permanent means of development to curb the side effects of rapid industrialisation and ruthless exploitation of natural resources. He starts the article by addressing the evolution of the Green movement and how it has succeeded in awakening an environment-friendly conscience in us. He also suggests some major changes to be inculcated in our present administrative and social practices, like adherence to laws related to the conservation of natural resources and voluntary family planning for controlling population growth.

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Be nice and polite and avoid rude and abusive language. The author seems to notice a keen interest in promoting the survival of not only people but also the planet on which they live for the first time in history. The author cites this reference to argue that people in India will die if population control is not given top priority. March 20, at am. It was all empty. This chapter highlights the importance of taking immediate action to stop environmental degradation and the contribution of the green movement to the cause of sustainable Development. Ans: The earth's biological systems are divided into four categories. These resources won't last indefinitely. In this article, the writer also discussed a Zoo in Zambia with a notice board placed outside an empty cage. Remember the goal of this website is to share knowledge and learn from each other. According to Mr Lester R. It's FREE. Now learn Live with India's best teachers.

The Ailing Planet Summary is important from an exam point of view because it is a burning question of the present time.

December 18, at am. Ans: mutatis mutandis means "just changing those items that need to be altered," or "only making the essential changes. Chapter 4 - Landscape of the Soul. Grasslands have devolved into deserts, and food production is declining. Thank u Toppr. It further elucidates how humans have always exploited nature, and as a result, this planet is ill and requires adequate treatment and medicines to restore its health. The solution starts with several expressions or phrases from the text, and students need to write the exact explanation of each of them. Chapter 6 - The Browning Version. Why does the author aver that the growth of the world population is one of the strongest factors distorting the future of human society? It is very shameful that one is not punished for breaking laws. Nani Ardeshir Palkhivala, famously known as Nani Palhivala, was a man of extraordinary talent. If content is found in violation, the user posting this content will be banned for 30 days from using Homework help section. Because they overuse the main four biological components of the Earth, so, it must reduce their resource consumption and compromise in some fields. But with the cutting of trees, many species have become extinct, and many are facing the fear of extinction. According to the author, the world's most dangerous animal has now realized the importance of partnership with other species instead of playing the dominating role to an extent.

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