Deck tracker, Draft helper, Collection summary, helps you build meta decks based on your collection. Trouble downloading? Try our aetherhub guideor get help on Discord Overwolf is an epic apps platform for PC games, aetherhub.
Show Card Oracle Text. When Aether Hub enters the battlefield, you get E an energy counter. Add Aether Hub kld to your collection. All emails include an unsubscribe link. You may opt-out at any time.
All Results. Aether Hub. Community Rating:. Click here to view ratings and comments. Oracle Printed. Card Name:. Card Text:. When Aether Hub enters the battlefield, you get an energy counter. Flavor Text:. It powers the dreams of Ghirapur. Kaladesh Remastered.
It may not be for everyone, aetherhub, but I think everyone should consider it.
Mar 5, Jan 18, By Chefen. Dec 29, By cool
Get in contact with us by clicking this link: Support Center. You can also send Andreliverod or VesselOfCreation a message on our Discord server , or get in contact with any of the helpful people in the public channels there. Enrich your deck description with interactive card names that can be hovered and clicked. All you need to do is to write double square brackets around the card names like this: [[Aether Hub]]. Content creator decks are featured on the frontpage, in addition to decks containing writeups of text of 2. Follow these bulletpoints and chances are high you will be put on the frontpage. We want to feature everything from in-meta writeups and your crazy brews as long as the content is good. While we give all users the ability to link to their Youtube and Twitch channels, only people who has the "Content Creator" status can have direct video links in their public profile.
MTG is more than just a game and spans several categories, financial, competitive, art, lore, story and more with many layers and a lot of content creators creating unique content. There is always something new we want to create and share with you, this page is made as an overview of the main Hubs of our website and what they have to offer you as a user. The DeckHub is where you can find all user-created decks of the site, and where you build and import your decks. All decks can be browsed in the User Decks section, but we also made smaller sections containing only videos and writeups for those interested in that. Use the search filter to browse decks with a specific title or created by a user. You can also use our Card search engine to find decks containing up to three cards. Filters for archetypes are included, these are set by users themselves and are not a requirement.
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By Andy Hurst. Search for cards, sort by sets and formats and create your variation of popular builds. Language English. Deck Builder. Waiting for a fix. The deck tracking is a nice bonus. Don't have an account? Mystery Booster Cheapest. Commander Spoilers. Listing Type Listings Without Photos. Prior to the latest update I would have rated this as a 5.
Tracker App. Premium Content Creators TeamAether. Password Remember me.
Near Mint. Host your tourneys with the AetherHub TourneyHub , auto pairings, standings, and statistics. Operator is greater than is less than. You may do so by keeping a running count on paper, by using a die, or by any other clear and mutually agreeable method. Tracker App. If you are looking for a Tier List of the tier 1 decks up to mythic rank, we are here with a. Please take a moment to review them and accept to continue. Ship To Ship To. Aether Hub. Madison Li Commander. T: Add C to your mana pool. The deck tracking is a nice bonus. All Printings. Support for running live tournaments on Twitch.
Alas! Unfortunately!