adventure time rainicorn pregnant

Adventure time rainicorn pregnant

I wonder if the kids will be Rainicorns, Puppies, A Mixture of both, or some sort of hybrid animal.

It originally aired on Cartoon Network on August 20, The episode guest stars George Takei as Ricardio. The series follows the adventures of Finn voiced by Jeremy Shada , a human boy, and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake voiced by John DiMaggio , a dog with magical powers to change shape and grow and shrink at will. It is revealed that Ricardio, the Ice King's living heart, has trapped them and wishes to marry Bubblegum. Bubblegum eventually defeats Ricardio in hand-to-hand combat, and saves the day.

Adventure time rainicorn pregnant

It's the ninety-seventh episode overall. Princess Bubblegum and Lady are trying to find Finn and Jake who have been missing for three weeks after battling with the Ice King. Lady discusses her apprehensions while Princess Bubblegum makes some tea with her Tea robot. Bubblegum then tells her that the Ice King is not a major threat and with science on their side, they have the advantage. Lady and Bubblegum then fly off into the black ice cave where she cannot get any signal on her GPS and relies on her heart signature machine where three heart signatures are detected, thought to be Finn, Jake, and Ice King. She also sees several hearts on the monitor but dismisses them. They both go into a realm where they are attacked by an army of evil hands. They escape, and Bubblegum hears the Ice Kings voice through an air vent. Bubblegum tells Lady to proceed, using the heart signatures as navigation. They are nearly crushed by an enormous tongue, and Lady flies into another room. Much to their surprise, giant eyes on the wall open and shoot laser beams. Lady is hit and badly injured, unable to fly.

From the dark, Ricardio, the living heart of the Ice King, introduces himself, tossing an unconscious Finn and Jake into the light. Season Los Angeles : Cartoon Network.


Bubblegum and Rainicorn look for the guys, who have gone missing after a run-in with the Ice King. Tropes Action Girl : Bubblegum is confirmed to be this when she easily defeats Ricardio. Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking : When Finn wakes up in the hospital, he's not quite up to speed on what happened and blurts out "Princess! Ricardio's back, he's in the black ice caves, and he's peacocking hardcore! Bilingual Dialogue : About half of the dialogue is Korean due to that being the only thing Lady speaks. Despite most of the speech being immune to Repeating So the Audience Can Hear , it is mostly easy to understand her through context and tone.

Adventure time rainicorn pregnant

The episode opens with the two ladies camped out on the outskirts of the Ice Kingdom, where PB is trying to calm a hysterical Lady by telling her that they have nothing to fear as long as they have science on their side. Are there any Korean Adventure Time viewers that can understand what Lady is saying? The hands are the temptation to engage in physical relationships, while the eyes are the piercing perceptions of others. When Lady is hit by one of the eye-lasers, PB carries her on her shoulder through the dark catacombs of the Ice Fortress. The tension builds the longer they walk, finally breaking when they discover the Ice King on the ground with a giant hole in his chest. Adventure Time fans know what that means: Ricardio the Heart Guy is back. Ricardio keeps himself primarily in the darkness when PB first finds him, with only the side of his face visible. A paper smiley face mask lends Ricardio added creepiness, but he thinks that his transformation will make PB love him. She makes a deal with the Heart Guy to marry him if he can defeat her in combat, and all that time spent with Finn has paid off.

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She also sees several hearts on the monitor but dismisses them. Categories : American television episodes Adventure Time season 4 episodes Heart Pregnancy in popular culture Television about unicorns Television episodes about abduction. Retrieved October 5, Scrapped episodes and Ideas. Download as PDF Printable version. See Full Storyboard. Bubblegum eventually defeats Ricardio in hand-to-hand combat, and saves the day. Ricardio then leans against the princess and asks her to marry him. What would be really funny is if they came out looking like Ice King, Mr. Lady discusses her apprehensions while Princess Bubblegum makes some tea with her Tea robot. List of episodes. Tools Tools.

Zoe Daniels is a writer, comedian, and web developer living in Toronto.

Tools Tools. As for what will happen after, I do not know. What would be really funny is if they came out looking like Ice King, Mr. It was directed by Larry Leichliter with Adam Muto serving as creative director and Nick Jennings serving as art director. Season 9. Stakes Islands Elements Miniseries. Yeah it was. Entertainment Examiner. Categories : American television episodes Adventure Time season 4 episodes Heart Pregnancy in popular culture Television about unicorns Television episodes about abduction. Adventure Time. Once inside the cave, Lady and Bubblegum enter into a biologically-engineered dungeon and are attacked by mysterious hand-like creatures that attempt to grab them.

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