2251 postcode
Where a locality has no Federal Electorate, it is a generic region name. Choose one of the Other Locality 2251 postcode found in the region to identify the Federal Electorate, 2251 postcode. If this is the case, please contact the AEC to confirm which federal electorate you live in. Electorate results below reflect electorates that will be in place at the next federal election.
Area size of the Postcode in square kilometres. Total number of crimes in the Postcode. Total number of crimes per people. Total number of violent crimes in the Postcode homicide, assault, sexual assault, robbery, etc Total number of property crimes in the Postcode arson, burglary, theft, car theft, etc Total number of violent crimes per people. Total number of property crimes per people.
2251 postcode
Total number of violent crimes per people. The top crime types in are Assault and related offences, Deception, Stalking, harassment and threatening behaviour.
Area size of the Postcode in square kilometres. Total number of crimes in the Postcode. Total number of crimes per people. Total number of violent crimes in the Postcode homicide, assault, sexual assault, robbery, etc Total number of property crimes in the Postcode arson, burglary, theft, car theft, etc Total number of violent crimes per people. Total number of property crimes per people.
2251 postcode
Generally speaking, the older and faster the age of an area, up to retirement age the likelihood that incomes will also be higher and increasing at a faster rate than the state average. The data is for personal reference only. If you would like to use this for commercial purposes please reach out to us directly. Used with permission. In compiling this information, SQM Research relies upon information supplied by a number of external sources.
Originals hayley
In in Australia your chances of becoming a victim of a property crime is 1 in Total number of property crimes in the Postcode arson, burglary, theft, car theft, etc In in postcode there were 2 cases of Other crimes against the person. Total number of crimes per people. The data is based on annual data from state police departments and population data from the ABS Census. Despite electorate changes, your local member remains the person elected on the electorates in place at the previous federal election or subsequent by-election. The top crime types in are Assault and related offences, Deception, Stalking, harassment and threatening behaviour. The least safe suburb in is Kincumber , by rank and violent crimes rate. If this is the case, please contact the AEC to confirm which federal electorate you live in. Area size of the Postcode in square kilometres. In in postcode there were 64 cases of Justice procedures offences. Total number of crimes in the Postcode.
It is part of the Central Coast Council local government area.
The safest suburb in is Yattalunga NSW , by rank and violent crimes rate. In in postcode there were 3 cases of Blackmail and extortion. Lithgow Upper Coomera Greenbank. Total number of property crimes in the Postcode arson, burglary, theft, car theft, etc Total number of violent crimes per people. Chances of becoming a victim of a Property crime 1 in In in your chances of becoming a victim of a property crime is 1 in NSW 1 in 44 In in NSW your chances of becoming a victim of a property crime is 1 in 44 Australia 1 in 31 In in Australia your chances of becoming a victim of a property crime is 1 in 31 Neighbouring Post Codes:. Choose one of the Other Locality s found in the region to identify the Federal Electorate. Electorate results below reflect electorates that will be in place at the next federal election. How was your experience? For a cost of a cup of coffee you'll get unlimited access for a week and extra tools. What are the main crime problems in ? What is the safest suburb in ? The top crime types in are Assault and related offences, Deception, Stalking, harassment and threatening behaviour. In in postcode there were 2 cases of Other crimes against the person. Crime exists and may impact most people.
Bravo, excellent idea
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