2006 honda civic radio code

2006 honda civic radio code

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Josiah josiah Posted: Jun 17, Mar 6, by josephmanu. Yeah I had this samee issue actually a while back. May 24, by James. Jan 23, by salahuddinbutt. Call your Honda dealer and give them those numbers.

2006 honda civic radio code


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2006 honda civic radio code

The Honda radio code is designed to prevent thieves from taking off with your stereo system. The car will require you to enter the code if the stereo is removed from the vehicle. However, it also asks for the code when the battery is disconnected. If you have never had to use it, you might wonder how to enter a Honda radio code.

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What does it mean to refinance a car loan? Jan 23, by salahuddinbutt. You might also be interested. Car Insurance by City. Chevrolet Silverado. The sticker may be inside the front cover or you may find the code on a cheat sheet inside the manual. Get car insurance. Anne Perkins anney Table of Contents. Renters Insurance. Check it out here GMC Sierra. Browse More Content. MORE: 10 hardest-to-steal cars even the best thieves avoid. Honda Accord.

If you disconnect the battery of your Honda Civic, you will not be able to use its radio.

Car Repair by Service. Hope this helps, good luck. You vaguely recall the Honda dealer telling you something about an anti-theft code, but you have no idea where to find it. Seattle, WA. Honda Accord. Josiah josiah My husband and I are in the military and live in an off-base rental house. Are you overpaying for car insurance? Mar 6, by josephmanu. Boston, MA. Timing belt replacement cost estimate. Compare Car Insurance with Jerry. Lower my car insurance too. How to find your Honda Civic radio code. Jerry Annual Data Report

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