2 guys 1 horse video

2 guys 1 horse video

The video, intended originally to sexually gratify the viewer, became one of the first viral reaction videos. Hands Uploaded by andcallmeshirley Previous 1 2 3 Next.

The Enumclaw horse sex case was a series of incidents in involving Kenneth D. Pinyan , [2] [3] an engineer who worked for Boeing and resided in Gig Harbor, Washington ; James Michael Tait , a truck driver; Douglas Spink ; and other unidentified men. Pinyan and Tait filmed and distributed zoophilic pornography of Pinyan receiving anal sex from a stallion under the alias "Mr. The story was reported in The Seattle Times and was one of that paper's most read stories of Under current Washington law, bestiality is now a Class C felony punishable by up to five years in prison. As bestiality was legal in Washington state at the time, Tait was instead convicted of trespassing and was sentenced to a one-year suspended sentence.

2 guys 1 horse video


Associated Press. Retrieved January 1,


The Horse Video refers to a leaked bestiality video of an unknown man getting penetrated by a white horse. In early November , the video went viral on X and other social media platforms, being spread as shock media and subsequently inspiring memes and reactions online. While the clip claims that the man's name is Michael Hanley, his identity has not been confirmed. The earliest discovered viral post containing the video was made at approximately 5 p. EST by X [1] user sully but has since been removed. In the second video still images shown below , which was filmed inside a stable, a man dressed in an orange shirt and grey cargo shorts pets a small white horse, likely a pony, before checking if the animal is aroused, pulling down his pants and turning his back towards the horse.

2 guys 1 horse video

Pet Reader. The video shows a man engaging in sexual acts with a horse, while another man films the encounter. The graphic and disturbing nature of the video has led to widespread condemnation and legal action against those involved in its creation and distribution. The video depicts a man engaging in sexual acts with a horse, while another man films the encounter. The video is extremely graphic and disturbing, and its creation and distribution have led to legal action against those involved. The video has been banned in many countries, and possession of it can result in criminal charges. The distribution of videos depicting animal cruelty is illegal in many countries, including the United States. The Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act of makes it a federal crime to create, distribute, or possess videos depicting animal cruelty.


Because of the provision against videotaping, Mudede stated that the law "points an angry finger directly at James Tait. Archived from the original on June 5, Archived from the original on July 14, Retrieved February 13, — via NYTimes. I'll be back. Retrieved September 17, Unless that is, what you love happens to be getting freaky with a horse. The New York Times. Pinyan's death. October 19, Tait: Pleaded guilty. Main article: Zoo film. Comments 1. The group filmed one another being anally penetrated by horses and sometimes engaged in sex with each other afterwards which was also filmed , and posted the videos online.

A shock video known simply as "The Horse Video" went viral on social media in early November , sparking reactions of mental trauma and disgust as people stumbled upon the shock media.

In the s, many statutes that had criminalized certain sex acts in various U. October 20, Playtime: Archived from the original on August 19, Tools Tools. And the offenses that were in place were stricken from the books in the s, when "Crimes against Nature" laws that had lumped bestiality in with consensual sexual acts between adults once labeled as illegal—like sodomy—were deleted wholesale. The Stranger. The video shows an engineer from Enumclaw Washington named Kenneth Pinyan [1] receiving anal intercourse from a horse referred to as "Big Dick," while another man named James Michael Tait holds the horse's penis and records the act. Contents move to sidebar hide. Retrieved September 17, Archived from the original on April 30, Archived from the original on June 9, Hidden categories: Webarchive template wayback links All articles with dead YouTube links Articles with dead YouTube links from February Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages Use mdy dates from March Retrieved October 28,

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