12 digit phone number australia

In Chinathe maximum number of digits in a phone number is Brazil also has phone numbers that are 12 digits long. Some countries have eight-digit internal phone numbers.

National conventions for writing telephone numbers vary by country. The International Telecommunication Union ITU publishes a recommendation entitled Notation for national and international telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and Web addresses. Recommendation E. In examples, a numeric digit is used only if the digit is the same in every number, and letters to illustrate groups. X is used as a wildcard character to represent any digit in lists of numbers.

12 digit phone number australia

The Australian telephone numbering plan governs the allocation of telephone numbers in Australia. It has changed many times, the most recent major reorganisation by the Australian Communications and Media Authority taking place between and For landline telephony, Australia is geographically divided into four areas, three of which cover more than one state or territory. All local telephone numbers within the four areas have eight digits, consisting mainly of a four-digit exchange code and a four-digit local line number. The national significant number consists of a single-digit area code followed by the local eight-digit number, a total of nine digits. Calling within Australia a landline telephone in an area other than that of the caller, the telephone number is preceded by the Australian trunk prefix 0 and the area code: 0x xxxx xxxx. The current numbering plan would appear to be sufficient to cope with potential increase in demand for services for quite some time to come. In addition, each other area code has large number ranges unallocated. When dialling from outside Australia, after dialling the appropriate international access code, it is necessary to dial the country code for Australia 61 followed by the nine digit national significant number. Some numbers beginning with a 1 may be dialled without any replacement, after dialling the required international access code and the country code. Australian local numbers have eight digits, conventionally written in the form xxxx xxxx. Mobile numbers are written in the form of ten digits, when dialed within Australia, the 0 must be included, and 4 , which indicates the service required is a mobile number. Mobile numbers are conventionally written 04xx xxx xxx. If a landline or mobile number is written where it may be viewed by an international audience e. The Australian national trunk access code, 0, is not used for calls originated from locations outside Australia.

This is the term used by ComReg and technical documents, as they include non-geographic codes. Prior to the introduction of 8-digit local numbers, the prefix was Daily Times Pakistan.

The country calling codes are number prefixes usually three digit long which help you dial a phone number located in another country fromthe one you are in. The length of the national significant number N S N is 8 digits for geographic numbering and 10 digits for non-geographic numbering networks and services 2. The '0' is used on all domestic calls, including in the same city, but is omitted when dialling from other countries. When dialling from Ireland to Northern Ireland, the area code used should be '' instead of ' 28'. Numbers commencing with the initial digit 8 will be assigned to Tristan da Cunha, whilst national numbers commencing with the initial digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 will remain assigned to Saint Helena. When dialling from Italy to San Marino, the subscriber number must be prefixed by '' instead of ''.

If there is only They will probably merge with DIGI. Today Its plan was withdrawn. Contents move to sidebar hide.

12 digit phone number australia

The Australian telephone numbering plan governs the allocation of telephone numbers in Australia. It has changed many times, the most recent major reorganisation by the Australian Communications and Media Authority taking place between and For landline telephony, Australia is geographically divided into four areas, three of which cover more than one state or territory. All local telephone numbers within the four areas have eight digits, consisting mainly of a four-digit exchange code and a four-digit local line number. The national significant number consists of a single-digit area code followed by the local eight-digit number, a total of nine digits.

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Landline phone numbers begin with the area code, then one digit for the operator code, then six digits for the primary telephone number. Telephone numbers in Portugal have nine digits. See also: Telephone numbers in Brazil. Watson Charles Wheatstone Vladimir K. The area code may have two digits for some cities such as Seoul and Gwacheon these two cities use the same area code and three digits for other cities such as Incheon, Busan and most of the cities in Gyeonggi-do. Archived from the original on 28 January For example, the exchange prefix for Essendon was FU which translated to 37 and later became the 37x [then x ] exchange used by the whole City of Essendon [which became the City of Moonee Valley in late ]. These numbers "forward" to a geographic or mobile number. Archived from the original on 27 February It is not uncommon for the and to be enclosed in brackets, although this is not strictly correct as the brackets denote optional parts of the number, and the and is required.


However, the full international number must always be dialled, since the Australian telephone network has the capability to recognise when the destination required is either international, in a different national area or within the local area and to switch and charge the call accordingly. When dialling between Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda the national significant number must be prefixed by for Kenya, by for Uganda and by for Tanzania World Population Review. Directory assistance used various numbers: for local calls, for other national calls, and for international. If you are dialing from another country the international calling code for Malaysia is "60" which may be confusing; do not dial an extra "0" before the rest of the digits. Businesses looking for local callers tend to connect to a "" number. Carrier pre-selection has been introduced in Mauritius since 1 January Alphanumeric characters can also be used in presenting numbers for added memorability, but it is much less common than in North America. Thus all Telenor numbers for example nationwide carry mobile code etc. The national significant number consists of a single-digit area code followed by the local eight-digit number, a total of nine digits. These work across large areas potentially the whole of Australia and charge the caller only a low cost, routing the call to the appropriate place in a given area. Basically a part of the extra money charged to the caller is sent to the owner of the line. Retrieved 12 December These calls are billed at different rates.

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