Walten files
A man named Anthony finds a collection of VHS tapes created in the s by the walten files Bunny Smiles Company that had vanished in the early s. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account.
Three episodes have been created so far, with two non canon episodes, hidden episodes, and a trailer. It can be found on Martin Walls channel. It's inspired by Five Nights at Freddys. Jack Walten and Felix Kranken came up with an idea that hadn't been foreseen before, to create a restaurant aimed at kids with robotic entertainment. This idea had stuck with the two until it came into fruition in the summer of , with the name, "Bon's Burgers" and would be under the management of Bunny Smiles Incorporated BSI.
Walten files
Step right up and enter your most repressed experiences and get ready to be amazed. Don't be scared, my little bunny. Answers will be given eventually, but don't try to solve this puzzle only with the pieces you have so far. This is only the beginning, for I am going to tell you a story of broken people. Beautiful people. He is so sorry about what he did to them, but there's nothing he can do. Remember that. Safety in pills, Sophie. However, it makes itself distinct from other series similar to it because it takes place in an alternate continuity with original characters and locations, and it uses a 2D animated art style instead of actual footage. The next scene is a recorded message from Jack begging to see his children. Alternate Reality Game : The site "www. The screen is then divided into black and white, with "did you forget about me? It,s since been updated to be entirely black, except for the words "see you soon" to the left. And the page is titled "Log ".
She goes on to state that she'd hopefully fix Bon and close for the night. It is assumed that Sophie Waltenwalten files, the Walten's eldest daughter, most likely witnessed the event. Show Spoilers.
This is the definitive Wiki archiving all things related to the Walten Files universe. The series has a disturbing, dark atmosphere surrounding a children's restaurant, Bon's Burgers, as well as its parent company, Bunny Smiles Inc. It contains live action and 2D animation. Want to help out? This is the official community document used by fans of The Walten Files series to keep track of things within the TWF videos. These include characters, tapes, spinoffs, and so on. The Walten Files Wiki Explore.
Walten files
Step right up and enter your most repressed experiences and get ready to be amazed. Don't be scared, my little bunny. Answers will be given eventually, but don't try to solve this puzzle only with the pieces you have so far.
Don't have an account? Show Spoilers. Uncanny Analog Horror MatPat explains why the Uncanny Valley works so well in Analog Horror, citing three works he discussed in previous videos as examples. On July 19th, however, when she visited the restaurant yet again to gain some information about her loved one, a voice emanated from behind the main stage of The Showstoppers. Fitting as they're basically Bonnie expies. That night, Susan Woodings would make an audio recording logging the day and the irregularities she noticed in Bon, the leader of The Showstoppers an animatronic band used and operated by Cyberfun Tech to entertain customers. Stylistic Suck : The show has a very, very budget indie-animation type style which shifts between crudely drawn children's paintings and stylized s-esque paperdolls. Gross-Up Close-Up : Any time a cute cartoon character meets a Cruel and Unusual Death , expect to see their remains drawn in unnervingly gruesome detail, often up close. Unperson : This seems to be what's happening to Jack Walten in the second, with him being cut from the founders photo while receiving absolutely no mention in advertising, only popping up as an abnormality. Top cast Edit.
Boasting an eerie found-footage VHS style, a unique animation style and creepy characters, the series has gained a huge fanbase with its deep storytelling that goes far beyond the typical trappings of the animatronic horror genre. We spoke with Walls about his history as an animator and creating The Walten Files. Q: Hi Martin, it's good to talk to you.
Eventually some characters got sexualities confirmed by Martin Walls , with Sophie being confirmed Bisexual and Banny as well as her human counterpart, Susan Woodings are both lesbians. Cheese and Showtime. Curiosity Killed the Cast : How Ashley is killed; she inspected the backrooms of the K-9 storage facility and played an old cassette tape listing 5 names before getting caught, killed, and stuffed into the Billy animatronic by Bon. The Season 1 trailer is set to "Way Back Home" by Bob Crosby, even as the content in the video starts taking a nosedive straight into hell. Ashley Parks was stuffed into the Billy animatronic, and judging by her screams, it wasn't a pleasant experience. This contrast is intentional; the first style is often reserved for older characters from the s, and serves to distinguish them as influential key figures to the lore and backstory of the series. There HAS to be something that flew over our heads. Martin Paredes Jack Walten …. Bunnyfarm makes it worse when we see her mutilated corpse as well. What is the Spanish language plot outline for The Walten Files ? Wiki Content. Featured review. Bravvyy Bon.
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