

SMARTEES has since been smartees social innovations in sustainable energy- and mobility transitions, smartees, producing many scientific articles and resources to help support further reseach and action in the field. As a culmination of

Understanding citizen acceptance of the Energy Union, responsiveness to socioeconomic incentives for increased ownership, and prosumerism requires a multidisciplinary understanding of social systems and inclusiveness and robustness of policymaking depends on having empirically and theoretically grounded methodological tools to assess and adapt policy strategies. SMARTEES addresses this need by an iterative process: 1 integration of theories and methodologies of social innovation and agent-based socio-economic simulation in a comprehensive, flexible framework; 2 unprecedented data collection and integration in five trans-European case clusters in the domains of consumer-driven regenerative energy production, energy efficiency in buildings, low-carbon regional transport and consumer empowerment; 3 dynamic, multilevel agent-based models of successful innovation transfer; which ultimately lead to 4 a policy sandbox which allows a realistic prospective analysis of existing and future policy and market incentive scenarios. Each case cluster addresses a particular social innovation and consists of two reference cases and followers. The policy sandbox is developed in a co-constructive process with users on the case level and in policymakers workshops on the European level. By doing this, SMARTEES contributes to robust and adaptive future policymaking, understanding of barriers and sources of resistance, the effects of the Energy Union on vulnerable consumer groups, genders and cultures.



Dala 97 Horby See on map, smartees. SMARTEES — Social Innovation Modelling Approaches to Realizing Transition to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability — is a transdisciplinary research smartees which aims to support the energy transition and improve policy design by developing alternative and robust policy pathways that foster smartees inclusion and take local peculiarities into account, smartees. The organization defined itself as SME small and medium-sized enterprise at the time the Grant Agreement was signed.


A strong commitment towards decarbonisation has been made in the European Union. To achieve its carbon reduction targets, a successful energy transition will be crucial for the EU. The energy transition can only succeed if and when consumers are recognized as actors with diverse needs and interests. SMARTEES, a Horizon transdisciplinary research project, supports the energy transition by analysing and modelling five types of energy- and mobility-related social innovation. It builds locally-embedded policy scenarios that foster citizen inclusion, and develops a policy sandbox tool to evaluate the effects of policy interventions and social innovation. The experiences of ten front-runner cities and islands serve as reference points for these social innovation clusters. To analyse social innovation taking place in the ten cities and islands, build locally-embedded policy scenarios, and develop the sandbox policy tool, SMARTEES pursues the following process:. To enable wider replication of successful examples, twenty follower cities and islands will participate in city visits and knowledge co-creation workshops in the reference cases.


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Please check your My Booklet page for more information. SMARTEES — Social Innovation Modelling Approaches to Realizing Transition to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability — is a transdisciplinary research project which aims to support the energy transition and improve policy design by developing alternative and robust policy pathways that foster citizen inclusion and take local peculiarities into account. Centro IT Lazio Roma. This website is no longer being updated. Close X. Access all project content and information, in the above menu and try out the Policy Sandbox Tool channeling the research done in the project. By doing this, SMARTEES contributes to robust and adaptive future policymaking, understanding of barriers and sources of resistance, the effects of the Energy Union on vulnerable consumer groups, genders and cultures. Contact Legal Data Protection Sitemap. Objective Understanding citizen acceptance of the Energy Union, responsiveness to socioeconomic incentives for increased ownership, and prosumerism requires a multidisciplinary understanding of social systems and inclusiveness and robustness of policymaking depends on having empirically and theoretically grounded methodological tools to assess and adapt policy strategies. Each case cluster addresses a particular social innovation and consists of two reference cases and followers. Broerstraat 5 CP Groningen See on map. Superblocks are an urban innovation that helps to reorganise urban space into car-free areas designed to maximize public space and foster social and economic interactions at the street level. In addition to making all modelling code and findings publically available, SMARTEES also ensures long term impact of the project by developing a commercialized version of the policy sandbox tool.

The SmartEEs2 project is the Digital Innovation Hub for FWE technology, offering integrated innovation services to facilitate efficient adoption of FWE technologies by business and concrete market cases in any sector, including furthering transformation where digital technologies are underexploited. To ensure high quality services and excellent customer experience, as well as sustainability past the Horizon funded project, we are happy to announce the establishment of the SmartEEs Association.

My subscriptions My saved searches My Booklet My profile. Dala 97 Horby See on map. Select your language. Net EU contribution. Access all project content and information, in the above menu and try out the Policy Sandbox Tool channeling the research done in the project. SMARTEES has since been analysing social innovations in sustainable energy- and mobility transitions, producing many scientific articles and resources to help support further reseach and action in the field. A defining feature of this social innovation is the participatory development and adoption of a holistic and persistent mobility plan, in which all city planning follows a coordinated approach. Participants 10 Sort alphabetically. The results stemming from this analysis will then feed into the development of a policy sandbox tool. By doing this, SMARTEES contributes to robust and adaptive future policymaking, understanding of barriers and sources of resistance, the effects of the Energy Union on vulnerable consumer groups, genders and cultures. These five case study clusters, more specifically, consider the domains of consumer-driven renewable energy production, energy efficiency in buildings, and low-carbon regional transport, with a particular focus on consumer empowerment. Close X. District regeneration. Understanding citizen acceptance of the Energy Union, responsiveness to socioeconomic incentives for increased ownership, and prosumerism requires a multidisciplinary understanding of social systems and inclusiveness and robustness of policymaking depends on having empirically and theoretically grounded methodological tools to assess and adapt policy strategies. Noord-Nederland Groningen Overig Groningen.

2 thoughts on “Smartees

  1. Willingly I accept. In my opinion, it is an interesting question, I will take part in discussion. I know, that together we can come to a right answer.

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