monster hunter world pc event schedule

Monster hunter world pc event schedule

Players do not need to complete these quest to progress the story bispham restaurants access the game, monster hunter world pc event schedule, but will benefit from special rewards for doing these additional objectives. Event Quests used to be time-limited and could only be completed during a specific timeframe, but now are generally available full-time with the Gathering Hub events rotating on a regular basis, so all unique rewards are available - this includes the Safi'jivva and Kulve Turoth siege events, which rotate bi-weekly.

Battle gigantic monsters in epic locales. As a hunter, you'll take on quests to hunt monsters in a variety of habitats. Take down these monsters and receive materials that you can use to create stronger weapons and armor in order to hunt even more dangerous monsters. In Monster Hunter: World, the latest installment in the series, you can enjoy the ultimate hunting experience, using everything at your disposal to hunt monsters in a new world teeming with surprises and excitement. Hunting Primer. Once every decade, elder dragons trek across the sea to travel to the land known as the New World in a migration referred to as the Elder Crossing. To get to the bottom of this mysterious phenomenon, the Guild has formed the Research Commission, dispatching them in large fleets to the New World.

Monster hunter world pc event schedule

Almost all event quests will be available starting on December 4, Astera Fest and Seliana Fest seasonal content will also be available in two-week increments throughout the year, corresponding to each season. For more details, see the in-game Notice Board. Availability will be ending for a select portion of special collaboration quests. This includes:. We hope you enjoyed playing these quests! If you haven't yet, be sure to experience them while they're still available. Note: There are no plans to make the above quests available again in the future. A special, original collaboration that will net you materials to forge the Azure Star Blade long sword and Azure Star Palico armor set. Here's your chance to obtain materials to forge the Watcher Palico armor set and Felyne Watcher Grinder! Note: This quest is only available for PS4. Hunt a gigantic Anjanath and receive the Nora Brave Trophy!

I've caught wind of a delicacy called a Hardfruit, which makes for a delightful snack.

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Since patch During the Winter Star Fest, players will enjoy discounted pricing, additional quest rewards, increased availability of Event Quests , and more. Felyne Snowcat Bell. Felyne Snowcat Head. Felyne Snowcat Suit. During the Winter Star Festival, the weekly bounties are now daily bounties. Heavy Armor Sphere which is worth points will be coming back. During the Spring Blossom Festival, players will enjoy discounted pricing, additional quest rewards, increased availability of Event Quests, and more. Daily log in bonus will grant 2 Tickets, daily bounties for players to cash in to obtain Appreciation Fireworks and Appreciation tickets. Every Sunday, players can obtain golden tickets.

Monster hunter world pc event schedule

Almost all event quests will be available starting on December 4, Astera Fest and Seliana Fest seasonal content will also be available in two-week increments throughout the year, corresponding to each season. For more details, see the in-game Notice Board. Availability will be ending for a select portion of special collaboration quests. This includes:. We hope you enjoyed playing these quests! If you haven't yet, be sure to experience them while they're still available. Note: There are no plans to make the above quests available again in the future.

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Cancel X. Slay Lunastra. Have a cool day, peeps! Special material rewards -- Piscine Researcher. It's up to you now. Slay a Zinogre. Ya-Ku With That? Then help us send it to its end! A Glance of Silver. The Scorn of the Sun.

Almost all event quests will be available starting on December 4, Astera Fest and Seliana Fest seasonal content will also be available in two-week increments throughout the year, corresponding to each season.

Slay a tempered Kushala Daora. I bet you can craft something real nice with it. Player obtains Hunter King Coin. The heck, am I lost? Flesh Cleaved to Bone. The Last White Knight. Wicked Wildspire Warfare. Mighty Muscle Monkey Madness. Slay a Ruiner Nergigante. Undying Alpenglow Arch-tempered Zorah Magdaros has appeared! Hunt Rajang.

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