Jax counter
Jax top on Patch While Jax top unoresident1191k countered most by top champions of UrgotDr. Below is a detailed breakdown of Jax top jax counter against top champions with a minimum of games. Jax wins against Urgot
No results found. Jax Builds. Hide Top Lane Top Lane A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Best Picks Against Jax. Worst Picks Against Jax.
Jax counter
Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Jax Top, Jungler. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths. All Roles. All regions All. All champions. Jax wins lane against Name Gold diff Kayle Top. Shen Top.
Whenever Jax Q's forward try to E away and space him.
Even if these Jax counter picks are not taken in the same position as you, it's not a good idea to choose him into one of these matchups. They will very likely destroy Jax. Jax is particularly strong in late-game scenarios, which means it's critical to pressure him early. He is vulnerable in the early game and can be kept in check with aggressive play before he acquires his core items. He has a distinct weakness against champions who can kite him out of his attack range and those who are ranged. Use these champions to poke him until he's low on health, and then aim for an all-in assault. His passive allows him to split push, making him a threat when his team is behind. To counter this, pay attention to his positioning and react accordingly by sending someone to prevent him from doing so, or capitalize on his absence by securing team fights or objectives. Single target crowd control CC is effective against Jax. During team fights, if he's subjected to multiple CC attacks in succession, he will be eliminated before making a significant impact.
Jax counter
Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Jax Top, Jungler. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths.
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One more thing, don't fight him when he has his passive stacked up. Try dodging it and abuse him while he has no E up; - Take first strike because and abuse your passive for true damage; - Conditioning is good against him because he deals hybrid damage; - His level 6 is very strong and he has a good trading potential once he gets a couple points in W and sheen; - He scales very well and has top tier split pushing so try to build a lead on top of him and deny his scaling a bit. Your Ult doesn't lose any power against his ult when he has it active however, and you can always silence him if need be. Alistar the Minotaur. It's really easy if he goes lethal tempo. Jax wins against Kayle If you are low on hp, block his jump with W and run away. You can counter with E but it's hard to adapt to. Jax wins against Nasus Play ultra safe and pray.
Jax top on Patch While Jax top is countered most by top champions of Urgot , Dr.
Renekton Top. R after his r for extra stats! Season 11 [ Nilah the Joy Unbound. This is where the W max can come in handy. Teemo the Swift Scout. Worst Picks Against Jax. Jax wins against Kled Soraka the Starchild. Lillia the Bashful Bloom. Build armor and damage and try to play with the team. If you E through him you can get back onto him after his E with your E2. W him when he lands and E after to remind him about his failure. Once he gets Divine Sunderer it becomes super hard to fight him unless ahead. My only illaoi choices by Panda Illaoi Player.
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