i had a vasectomy yesterday and when i woke up

I had a vasectomy yesterday and when i woke up

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About half a million men undergo a vasectomy in the United States in any given year. The percentage of men getting them had been dropping for the past two decades , but it looks like those numbers are going up in the wake of the June 24, , Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. We used to perform about vasectomies a month in our Miami clinic. But since the Dobbs v. Other urologists have rising numbers, too.

I had a vasectomy yesterday and when i woke up

I got one way back in Let me tell you how it went, and hopefully I can reduce the fear and misinformation that inexplicably surrounds the procedure. Honestly, the hardest part was shaving my balls. A texted a few friends. Griff told me to use cold water and be careful. That was the better idea. It trims, and provides a close shave, all in one safe package that never once drew blood. You can opt to have a nurse do all this for you, but the idea of some overworked, underpaid guy taking a disposable razor to my nut sack—dry—was just too much. Allow at least an hour the night before. So I think I misheard the part of the consultation where they offered me a valium to take a few hours ahead of the procedure.

Mostowfi and Sheri, Thanks so much for the fast and painless vasectomy; I am still amazed that it was so fast gooloo easy. This year though I made it a priority to have the procedure done.

Mumsnet doesn't verify the qualifications of users. If you have medical concerns, please consult a healthcare professional. Will he wake up tomorrow pinned to the bed with two mahoosive goolies? As far as I was concerned it was just payback for taking the doctor's advice too literally to "go home, put you feet up and lift nothing, not even a kettle". Perhaps I should mention the doc was a MAN!! Dh's bruising was spectacular.

It typically takes a quick eight to nine days to fully recover from a vasectomy. Taking care of yourself following the procedure can help with your recovery. A vasectomy is an outpatient procedure in which your surgeon cuts and closes off the tubes that deliver sperm from your testicles into your semen. The procedure itself is quick, taking about 30 minutes or less. Full recovery time is about eight to nine days for many people. Keep in mind this may vary depending on your individual perception of pain and ability for tissue healing. Typically, your doctor will use a local anesthetic to numb the area of your scrotum before the surgery. After surgery, your doctor will bandage your scrotum.

I had a vasectomy yesterday and when i woke up

If your self-exam reveals an unusual tenderness or swelling of either testicle, you should see your urologist. Reactive epididymitis can do this weeks after a vasectomy. On the other hand, if there are no scrotal findings, you may give this some time to see if it resolves and is unrelated to the vasectomy. List Your Facility.


It took about 20 minutes and it started on time. Nothing more than a little tenderness for a few days. Then he just made a small incision on my scrotum—maybe a centimeter long, and then cut out a tiny little section of my vas deferens, before capping one side of it with a little titanium clamp. She was surprised to hear that it was over in 20 minutes. Rick N. It was well worth my 3-hour drive to get to his clinic. Answers from doctors 3. I was amazed at how simple and effective the entire process was. I recently had a vasectomy and it was a very comfortable procedure, with virtually no pain. The hardest part to the whole procedure is scheduling it to get it done and then walking into the office. A completely pain free experience from beginning to end. UChicago Medicine and Ingalls Memorial offer a broad range of challenging clinical and non-clinical career opportunities doing work that really matters. The staff and doctor were extremely professional and made me feel comfortable thru the whole process. There was no need for ice or to take pain medication! Written By Grace Niewijk.

Just had a vasectomy and woke up the next day and found out I ejaculated in my sleep. Is there something I should be worried about?

Afterwards I had complete confidence in you and the procedure. Pat S. Highly recommended! Wow, I had my procedure done a week ago. The procedure was everything I was told it was: fast and pain-free. May 4, I had no pain or discomfort afterwards. I donate blood on a regular basis. Then I heard your ad. Copy link. I was quite impressed. Mostowfi did a great job calming me down. Wow, I had my procedure done a week ago.

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