how to get turtle shell in minecraft

How to get turtle shell in minecraft

Last Updated: January 3, Fact Checked. This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Travis Boylls. Travis has experience writing technology-related articles, providing software customer service, and in graphic design.

A turtle shell is a type of helmet armor and brewing ingredient. When equipped, a turtle shell will grant a player 2 armor points and Water Breathing for 10 seconds, which resets each time the player comes up for air. Turtle shells can also be used to brew a Potion of the Turtle Master. This potion will grant the player Resistance IV and Slowness IV , thus making it the first-ever potion to apply different status effects in the same potion, as well as the first brewable potion to grant Resistance. To craft a turtle shell, the player will need to collect 5 scutes. The only way to collect scutes is mate turtles, protect the eggs, wait for eggs to hatch, and finally grow the baby turtles.

How to get turtle shell in minecraft


You may want to build a fence and place torches around them to protect them from hostile mobs. You can mine iron ore using a stone pickaxe or stronger. Categories : Not Stackable Renewable Items 1.


A turtle shell is a unique helmet player can make from scutes that are dropped from baby turtles. Once the turtle shell is made, it can then be used as a helmet item in Minecraft. The helmet provides a total of 2 points of armor, the same amount of protection as an iron, chain, and golden helmet - the turtle helmet will also help players breath better underwater. Turtle helmets also have twice the amount of durability of all three of the other helmets, with a total of , thus making it a more durable item to use. You can also use the turtle shell to make the potion of the turtle master via a brewing stand. The potion of the turtle master is a unique potion that can be used to slow both mobs and players down and weaken the total damage they can do. Related: How to make Cyan Dye in Minecraft. If you turn the potion into a lingering version, you can also use it to make arrows of the turtle master. These arrows will have the same effect as the potions but can be fired at hostile mobs or players to cause them to get the effect. To make a turtle shell in Minecraft, you will need to gather scutes.

How to get turtle shell in minecraft

There is a lot of armor to choose from in Minecraft, and all of them bring something to the table. Whether it be higher defense or other stat boosts, you will want to find the best kind of armor that suits you. One such armor to consider is the Turtle Shell, a helmet that can give you the Water Breathing effect for 10 seconds after being worn out of water or in a bubble.

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No account yet? The edge of the enclosure should go right up to the water's edge. This can trample the eggs and break them. Sign in to edit. Placing the nether wart in this square will brew an Awkward Potion, which has no effects. To craft a Potion of Turtle Master, there are a few items you need to get from the Nether. Do you want to get turtle shell scutes in Minecraft? Place two rows of temporary blocks on top of the hoppers. Find a beach with turtles. How to. You can get cobblestone blocks by mining stone blocks with a pickaxe. In other words, it allows you to take a lot of damage, but also makes you very slow. Wait days for the eggs to hatch. It's the blank square at the top of the interface that is connected to the three icons that resemble bottles.


Items Raw Materials. Did this summary help you? You can build the underwater enclosure out of wooden planks, or anything you want. Place the glass bottle filled with water over one of them. Turtles can be found on the sand of beaches of the overworld. Please log in with your username or email to continue. You can craft a brewing stand from 3 cobblestone blocks and a blaze rod using a crafting table. About This Article. Wait for the eggs to hatch. Place the first hopper next to the chest on the inside of the underwater enclosure. Gather the materials you need from the Nether.

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