game of thrones season one characters

Game of thrones season one characters

The cast of Game of Thrones : Season 1 includes eighteen starring cast members and numerous guest stars.

Sean Bean's career since the eighties spans theatre, radio, television and movies. He worked for his father's welding firm before he decided to become an actor. Actor The Full Monty. He achieved international fame in his film debut Actor Game of Thrones.

Game of thrones season one characters

The characters from the medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones are based on their respective counterparts from author George R. Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels. Set in a fictional universe that has been referred to so far as "The Known World", the series follows a civil war for the Iron Throne of the continent of Westeros , fought between the rival royal and noble families and their respective supporters. He is known for his sense of honor and justice. When Ned's father and brother went south to reclaim her, the "Mad King" Aerys Targaryen burned both of them alive. Ned and Robert Baratheon led the rebellion to unseat him from the throne. As the show opens, Ned has been content to remain in the north, but after the death of Lord Jon Arryn, he is convinced that it is his duty to accept the position of Hand of the King. Ned is not interested in politics, and prefers to rule with honor and follow the law. While investigating the reason for the death of Jon Arryn, he discovers that all three of Robert's children with Queen Cersei were fathered by Cersei's twin brother Jaime. When Ned confronts Cersei about the truth, she has him imprisoned for treason after he publicly denounces Joffrey. Ned is convinced by Varys that if he goes to his death honorably, as he is prepared to do, his daughters will [not] suffer for it. To protect them, he sacrifices his honor and publicly declares that he was plotting to steal the throne and that Joffrey is the true king. Despite Cersei's promise that Ned would be allowed to join the Night's Watch in exile, Joffrey orders Ned's execution for his own amusement and later torments Sansa by forcing her to look at her father's head. His bones are later returned to Catelyn in the Stormlands by Petyr Baelish, who laments Ned's downfall and that he was too honorable to seize power through force, rather insisting the throne pass to Lord Stannis Baratheon, Robert's younger brother. Baelish's preferred course of action, revealed only to Ned, had been to seize Cersei and her children first and rule in Joffrey's name as Regent and Lord Protector.

Actor Andor. When Joffrey is poisoned at his own wedding, Sansa is secretly smuggled out of the capital by Petyr, who planned Joffrey's assassination with Lady Olenna Tyrell. Thomas Brodie-Sangster.

Sign In. Sean Bean Eddard 'Ned' Stark. Mark Addy Robert Baratheon. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Jaime Lannister. Michelle Fairley Catelyn Stark. Lena Headey Cersei Lannister.

Tyrion 'The Halfman' Lannister 10 Episodes. Jon Snow 10 Episodes. Lord Eddard 'Ned' Stark 10 Episodes. Robert Baratheon 10 Episodes. Robb Stark 10 Episodes. Sir Jaime 'Kingslayer' Lannister 10 Episodes. Cersei Lannister 10 Episodes. Catelyn Stark 10 Episodes. Daenerys Targaryen 10 Episodes.

Game of thrones season one characters

Kit Harington Jon Snow. Mark Addy Robert Baratheon. Richard Madden Robb Stark. Lena Headey Cersei Lannister. Michelle Fairley Catelyn Stark. Emilia Clarke Daenerys Targaryen. Maisie Williams Arya Stark.

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A foreigner from Braavos, though he originally claims Lorath, he speaks in third person, referring to himself as "a man". Episode 2. Slate Magazine. Robb Stark falls in love with a woman named Talisa Maegyr. Daenerys later names one of her dragons Viserion, as a tribute to Viserys. Margaery marries Tommen and the two become happy together, and Tommen falls deeply in love with Margaery. Brienne swears to take revenge on Stannis Baratheon, who created the shadow demon that killed her king. Season 8. Archived from the original on May 27, He then takes his army east and is outside King's Landing when Daenerys and Cersei meet in the Dragonpit.

Weiss for HBO. Martin , the first of which is A Game of Thrones.

Episode 2. Khal Drogo is the leader of a Dothraki "khalasar" tribe. It was also nominated for Outstanding Drama Series. She places the three dragon eggs on Drogo's funeral pyre and sets it afire, also burning the witch alive. Grey Worm is the commander of the Unsullied Army. Actor Braveheart. The second-born son of the Mad King, Viserys is cruel and petty in all the ways Daenerys is compassionate and just. Davos then becomes a loyal member of Jon's council. This section relies largely or entirely on a single source. Nymeria, Arya's direwolf, defends her, biting Joffrey. He is ordered by Robb to return to the Iron Islands to convince his father Balon to ally with the Northern soldiers against the crown, but instead betrays Robb and decides to seize Winterfell for himself, taking the castle from Brandon Stark. She flees with Catelyn Stark, who was also present when Renly was killed, and is sworn into her service. Main article: High Sparrow. During a parley with Queen Cersei Lannister, Sandor encounters his brother and promises revenge.

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