aizawa death note

Aizawa death note

Hide Ads Login Sign Up. Shuuichi Aizawa. Edit Character Information.

Aizawa has black hair and dark brown eyes. He is depicted as a tall man with a large afro. After the timeskip, he sports facial hair and a short crop of hair on his head. He takes his work very seriously and, for this reason, does not approve of Misa Amane 's antics. He becomes annoyed when she or someone else refers to her as Misa-Misa, and he often chides Touta Matsuda for his immature behavior. Aizawa's respect for L is grudging, as Aizawa chooses to work within the law and L's methods of investigation are sometimes outside of the law. His contemptuous attitude intensifies after NPA funding for the Task Force is cut, when he conflicts with L over L's withholding of the vital fact that Watari would provide the Task Force with financial support if they chose to stay.

Aizawa death note

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Shuichi Aizawa is a major antagonist in the anime and manga series Death Note. He is a member of the Japanese Task Force and one of the most prominent detectives involved in the Kira Investigation, although sometimes he is exasperated with L Lawliet 's methods. Although he is determined to catch Kira , he ultimately puts the needs of his family first. He also becomes the leader of the Task Force at the end of the series. He is voiced by the late Keiji Fujiwara in the Japanese version of the anime and Trevor Devall in the English version, the former of whom also voices Leorio Paladinight and Amata Kihara. Of all the detectives involved in the Kira Investigation, Aizawa is easily one of the most down-to-earth. He takes his work very seriously and for this reason does not approve of Misa Amane 's antics. He becomes annoyed when she or someone else refers to her as Misa-Misa, and often chides Touta Matsuda for his immature behavior. He has a short temper and is prone to calling Matsuda an idiot. Ironically, his temper allows him to serve as the voice of reason at times when things get out of hand. Aizawa appears to hold L in contempt, although he does have some respect for him.

When Kira followers attack the SPK's building and fail, Near uses this opportunity to point aizawa death note the convenient timing of the attack and further incriminate Light, causing Aizawa to doubt Light even more, with him suppressing his suspicions because of Soichiro Yagami being Light's father.


If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Shuichi Aizawa is a major antagonist in the anime and manga series Death Note. He is a member of the Japanese Task Force and one of the most prominent detectives involved in the Kira Investigation, although sometimes he is exasperated with L Lawliet 's methods.

Aizawa death note

She first appears walking in the park with her mother and baby sibling. She notices her father sitting on a park bench and points him out to her mother. Aizawa is brooding over having just left the Japanese Task Force. Yumi approaches him, and he informs her that he is taking time off. An excited Yumi asks if this means he will be home now, and he says that he will. He picks her up and tells her that now he can spend more time with her and can do things like take her to the zoo and the amusement park possibly Space Land , before breaking down into tears. After the time skip, Yumi appears when Aizawa is contemplating whether or not Light Yagami is Kira , saying that she was studying and telling her father not to struggle so much.

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Shuichi Aizawa. Current Wiki. He has a short temper and is prone to calling Matsuda an idiot. Aizawa's role in the TV drama is much more prominent than in the movies. Remove from Favorites Add to Favorites. Shuuichi Aizawa. When he checks the hotel room after Light and Takada leave, he finds that the note pads present in the room do not have holes. This is made even more clear through the fact that he seems to be the one in the Task Force who takes action against L's surveillance of Light and Misa the most, being the one responsible to end their confinement. As noted due to Mello 's action, Aizawa's is considered unintelligent sometimes due to the fact that he and Ide took the front seat without thinking while Light uses his piece of Notebook to kill Takada. Details Clubs Pictures. Obata believes that Aizawa was "easy to draw" and that it is easy for him to draw people who "act consistently. Source: Wikipedia Voice Actors. He and Matsuda constantly get into brief arguments with each other that are usually broken up by Mogi. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. Death Note add Supporting.

The Task Force is created by Ryuzaki after he deduces that Kira is in Japan and is the only organization within the country that is searching for Kira.

Aizawa's role in the film is more or less the same as it is in the manga and anime, although some large changes were made. Community portal. He is voiced by the late Keiji Fujiwara in the Japanese version of the anime and Trevor Devall in the English version, the former of whom also voices Leorio Paladinight and Amata Kihara. Ohba also said that whilst the other former Kira Investigation Team members had the same qualifications, he did not want to use Mogi due to his lack of personality development, nor Ide because he was so recently re-introduced and readers knew so little about him. Start a Wiki. Death Note: Tokubetsu-hen add Supporting. If they stay with the Task Force, they will no longer receive a paycheck from the NPA, and because he needs to care for his family, Aizawa thinks of leaving. Fantasy Sci-fi. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. Toward the end of Death Note , Tsugumi Ohba decided to make Aizawa the chief of the NPA because he did not want to create a new character in the final chapter. Halfway through the series, it is implied that Aizawa and his wife were having marital problems as a result of Aizawa's working on-call around the clock and rarely being home. Heroes Wiki. Manga Timeline Myths Guide to Canon. In the finale, he becomes the leader of the investigation team. Fujiwara, Keiji Japanese.

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